Introduction and the work

Hello people ,

Fusebox Art comprises of me [Siddharth(Blind Image)] and [Munz(The Down Troddence a.k.a T.D.T)].When Munz was making the logo for my solo project Essence,it just struck me that we could help out all the bands with the artwork,album covers,logos and also do art for gigs happening,college festivals.All for "free".Yes you heard that right "Free".

Munz handles the creative side of the group and I handle the public side of the group.

Calling out to all bands,organizers.

Need kick-ass artwork,logos for free???
Use the "Contact Us" form on the upper left corner of the Home page or drop down a mail to and we will get back asap!

The first work we ever did as a team was designing Essence's logo which was one hell of a job as we were working together for the first time! and it's worth it. \m/

P.S-Feel free to copy and use it wherever you want,just make sure you credit us.Thank you

Cheers and keep moshing \m/

Fusebox Art


  1. The thought behind your endeavour is touching. Keep it up Siddharth and Munz. Best of luck for everything. - Arastu

  2. awesome initiative dude!!!
    already spreadin the word! :D \m/

  3. Thanks a lot superman! \m/

    Thanks for spreading the word



  4. Wow,
    I must extend my heart felt appreciation for you guys. Bands in our could do with all the help and support they get and an endeavor like this is kickbutt! You guys shall hear from me soon. :P
    Keep it up people! :)

  5. Thanks for the all support...More n More coming on the way \m/


  6. cool man.. how do u guys do it?
