Here is the page where most of your doubts will be cleared!

1)What is Fusebox Art?
>Fusebox Art is an initiative by Siddharth and Munz.We aim to help out the scene by taking care of their artwork section!Includes logos,album arts,posters,Gig-Art etc etc

2)Who does Fusebox Art comprise of?
>For now,Fusebox Art comprises of Munz who is the brain behind the art! and Siddharth  who handles the public side and the promotion.Sid plays for Blind Image and Munz plays for T.D.T.We are planning for a lot of stuff later.Time!

3)Does Fusebox Art charge anything??
>No.Not even a single penny!We help the scene to our level best by providing help with the creative section of their work.But yeah,a token payment(Entirely optional) or any donation will be very very kind of you.It will help us in carrying the work that we are doing.

4)How much time do we take for one project?
>Well,we are being flooded with many projects since the first day.It wont be too long,and well make sure it's worth your wait.A week or 2 maybe! :)

5)How can you get to us?
>You can use the "Contact Us" form in the upper left side of the Home page OR you can directly give a buzz at 
fusebox.art@gmail.com .We are cool to any of these.We will respond asap! 

Any of your questions remain unanswered,refer to the 5th question ;)

Cheers \m/

Sid and Munz (Fusebox Art)